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Photo of J. William  Cabrera Salar Cuba

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William Jorge Cabrera Salar

Sculptor Jorge Cabrera v William Salt, 18 January 1947, Ciudad de La Habana.

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William Jorge Cabrera Salar

Sculptor Jorge Cabrera v William Salt, 18 January 1947, Ciudad de La Habana.

v Plastic Artist independent since 1985.

v Member of the UNEAC (Union of Writers and Artists of Cuba) 1980.

v Founder of the ACAA in the former President of the Association of sculptors from 80 to 85.

v Member of the International Association of Artists of UNESCO since 1973.

v Member of the Artists Association of Barcelona (ACEAS) from the 2001.

v Member of the Technical Advisory Council of the Arts in the City.

Vice v Section UNEAC sculptures.

tab-stops: list ....... pt "> v Founder sculpture of October 10.

v Graduate drawing topographical, 1968.

v Graduate of the Academy of Fine Arts "San Alejandro" in 1972

....... Pt "> v drawing course mapping and physical planning.

v Course models.

v Postgraduate course in the specialty of sculptures.

v Course monuments and techniques thumbnails.

v Course polyester techniques.

v Technical stainless steel.

v lighting technique, acrylics applied to making sculptures.

-18pt; text-align: justify; mso-list: l24 level1 lfo20; tab-stops: list ....... pt "> v Technical chamotte in Riga, Europe.

Cultivated artistic genres:

Wood carving, stone and marble.

Modeling, casting, direct plaster, cement, direct, direct plastic, plastic assembly ceramics, metals, drawing, printmaking and painting.

Personal exhibitions in Cuba.

· 1980 House Culture Plaza of the Revolution, "Cuba and Ethiopia."

Room 1981 ¨ small format of the National Museum: "Photos, Drawing and Sculpture."

¨ 1982 Gallery of 23 and 12: "Journey in search of space."

¨ normal "> 1982 Museum of Decorative Arts:" Welcoming the XVI Central American Games. "

· 1986 Salon exhibition of EPROB "Parallel Journeys."

° 1991 Provincial Center of Visual Arts and Design: "Metallic Dreams."

° 1999 Permanent Exhibition Industry Medical Equipment Cuban: "Metal."

· 2005 School "Olo Pantoja," mixed media on José Martí.

· 2005 International Press Center, José graphic work on Martí.

Scientific · 2005 Domestic Trade Center, "Martí between us."

· 2005 International Press Center, "Three-dimensionality of Music Plastic, metal sculptures in honor of Harold Gramatges.

¨ normal "> 2005 Teatro Carlos Marx, metal greet Cubadisco 2005.

· 2005 Pavilion ExpoCuba Culture, "Presence", prints of José Martí.

· 2005 Hall of Culture ExpoCuba, William Woods Cabrera.

¨ normal "> 2005 Servando Cabrera Moreno Gallery," From White to Black ", sculptures in metal.

2007 Alejandro de Humboldt Museum, sculptures in metal.

Ambassadors Room, Hotel Habana Libre.

Hall Solidarity, Hotel Habana Libre.

Personal exhibition at the Museum of Decorative Arts, wood carvings.

Expo at the headquarters of the ACAA in Matanzas, wood carvings.

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National Banquet in which you have participated:

1974 National Exhibition "Carlos Enríquez" in the Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes.

1976 Youth Arts Exhibition (Provincial).

1976 Youth Arts Exhibition (National).

1976 National Show in Matanzas.

1980 National Exhibition of landscapes.

1980 National Exhibition UNEAC.

Young Standing Room 1980 National Museum.

1983 National Exhibition UNEAC.

City Hall.

1985 National Hall UNEAC.

City Hall.

1987 National Exhibition UNEAC.

City Hall.

Hall 1991 "Sculpture in the Revolution."

1995 First Hall Cuban Contemporary Art.

2000 National Exhibition of the Cuban Association of Artisans Artest, with wood carving in the International Press Center.

Symposia and national and international meetings:

Fourth Meeting of Sculptors 1974 in Las Tunas.

Sculptors V Meeting 1976 in Las Tunas.

1984 I Cuban Painting Symposium.

Design Forum 1985.

normal "> 1986 VII International Sculpture Symposium Chamotte, D'Zintaris, Riga.

1988 International Symposium: Form, Sol and Prado. Baconao.

1988 I National Symposium on Environmental Sculpture, Sancti Spiritus.

1988 I National Symposium on Environmental Sculpture, Pinar del Río.

-1cm ">

International Exhibitions:

1984 International Exhibition in Spain, Casa Madrid.

1984 Panama International Fair.

2000 The Pouch in Cuba (Italian project).

2002 ACEAS Ninth International Exhibition, Barcelona, Spain.

Hands Salon 2003 Fourth transform, Sobral, Brazil.

International Group Exhibitions:

2004 USA, University of Oswego, (Project YETI).

0pt "> 2004 Chile, Cuban Painting Expo (YETI Project).

2004 Chile, work for the Museum Miguel Enriquez.

International Projects:

Brazil 2003-2004, made the sculpture project of José Martí 6 m stainless steel and a source for the square Cuba in Sobral Ceara Province Northeast.

Awards and Honors:

Mention 1976 Provincial Juvenile Hall.

Mention 1976 National Juvenile Hall.

1979 First Prize in Sculpture Hall July 26 Ethiopia.

Mention 1980 Art IV People's Museum of Decorative Arts.

1985 Prize of Sculpture Hall UNEAC 85.

1988 Prize at the First Symposium of Sculpture in Santi Spiritus.

I prize at the 1989 Sculpture Symposium in Pinar del Río.

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Works Location:

1974 Bust of Rubén Martínez Villena (heroic size), located in the School that bears his name in the municipality of Marianao.

1975 Totem Guayacan of ....... 0 mtros. Located in the lobby of the Hotel "Jaguar."

1986 Five fireclay works, placed on permanent display in Dzinteria 7th Symposium, Riga, USSR.

1987 iron sculpture of 4 mtros. Entitled "A Nicolas Gallo" in the Hospital "Frank País".

mso-list: level1 lfo30 L16; tab-stops: list ....... pt "> 1987 iron sculpture in homage to Haydee Santamaria. Located in the" Faculty of Medical Sciences, Granma.

1987 stone carving of two doves, "Peace and Love." Located in the "Faculty of Medical Sciences, Granma.

International Camp 1987 Pioneers in Varadero. Source with two dolphins of four meters each, in marble. Gardens and gazebo.

lfo30 level1; tab-stops: list ....... pt "> 1988 Sculpture Iron beams 7 X 7 X 7mtros. Pyramid with pedestrian area and gardens, entitled" Transparency "in Pinar del Río.

1992 stainless steel sculpture of 3 meters at the Hotel "Neptune."

1999 Source of stainless steel with fiber optic lights in the Mall "Brother Harry."

Sculpture 2000 ....... 0 stainless steel mtros draft, a source in the lobby of the Institute of Tropical Medicine "Pedro Kouri" (IPK).

2000 MINREX logo.

2006 Monument aTony Santiago, Havana.

Located works in museums and permanent exhibitions:

1cm 0pt; text-indent:-1cm; mso-list: L32 lfo29 level1 ">

1976 Guayacán Carving Standing Room located at the National Museum sculptures. "Also the space is ours."

1977 Clay Mask donated to the museum Rossia Ship.

1980 Carved wood figure of a woman, placed in the museum Leonid Ship Sobinov.

Carving guayacán 1980, entitled "Mass" in the library of the Ministry of Culture in the Development Center for the Visual Arts.

1988 Permanent Collection Museum "National" (Carving Guayacán).

1991 Cuban Cultural Fund (steel sculpture steel).

1987 D'zintaris Museum, Riga (5 sculptures).

2008 Gallo stainless steel 75 x 35 x 40 cm at the Museum of Gallo, Bayamo, Granma province.

Works located in other countries:

tab-stops: list ....... pt ">

* From the 73 to date more than 150 in countries such as Spain, Canada, Mexico, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, United States, Venezuela, Japan, Russia, Panama, Tunisia, Guinea and Portugal.

0pt "> Works in public places:

· 1975 Totem in Guayacan, lobby of the Hotel Jagua

· 1975 Totem caste Carey, Hall of Trade Protocol

text-indent:-18pt; mso-list: l17 level1 LFO2; tab-stops: list ....... pt "> · 1976 Antelope Heads Salon Trade Protocol).

· 1976 figure of woman, Foreign Trade Hall

· 1976 Office of the State Council (Carving Guayacán).

text-indent:-18pt; mso-list: l17 level1 LFO2; tab-stops: list ....... pt "> · 1981 Caracol Corporation (wood carving).

· 1986 Stainless Steel Sculpture: "Tribute to Women." INGEBIOT main lobby.

? 2006 Ceiling Mural sculpture, art shop Havana (formerly J. Valles)


....... Pt "> · Exhibition of Cuban contemporary sculptures in the House of Culture on 10 October.

Science Fiction · Exhibition of plastic arts at the home of "Young Creator" in the City of Havana.

· Exhibition V saluting the anniversary of the ACCA and I conference in the Museum of Art Colonial. "

To contact please contact Carlos C. Sanchez by e.mail carlosc03@hotmail.com or call them at (053) 7630214

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